Is Thought For the Day boring?

John Humphrys seems to think so. In an interview with the Radio Times, he said the slot is “deeply, deeply boring”, and argues for the inclusion of thoughts for the day from secular thinkers.  It’s not the first time that this claim has been made, but the BBC doesn’t agree, and it’s unlikely if Thought … Continue Reading

It’s Officlal – or is it? Humanist Weddings More Popular than Church of Scotland in 2015

For some time now, the media has predicted that 2015 would be the year that humanist weddings became more popular than religious weddings. The Registrar General of Scotland recently published their annual statistics, which show that to be the case. Today’s edition of Christian Today says “Humanist weddings outstrip Church of Scotland weddings for the … Continue Reading

A Time To Give

When my colleagues Julie Reid and Andy McSorley set up the Caledonian Humanist Association, they chose a different path. They decided we would focus on serving our local communities, keep our costs as low as possible and give away any surplus funds to local charities.  CHA is now a year old, so for my first … Continue Reading

Wedding No. 1,000

It was quite a day at Prestonfield House yesterday, when I conducted the wedding of Robyn and Paul. As luck would have it, theirs was my 1,000th legal marriage, so I gave it to them as a wedding present. We were very lucky. The guests were glam, and the weather was on its best behaviour. … Continue Reading

10 years of legal Humanist marriage

It’s amazing what’s changed since June 18th 2005, when Karen Watts and Martin Reijns were married by Ivan Middleton at Edinburgh Zoo. Then there were only 12 celebrants authorised to conduct marriage. Now the HSS has ten times that number. Then the society could have counted its membership in the hundreds. Today there are more than 10,000 … Continue Reading