I’m delighted by Vicky Allan’s article about ‘WE DO!’ in today’s Sunday Herald! My thanks to all the couples who are featured in it: Eli and Kate, Elizabeth and Bengtis, Natasa and Grant, and in the headline – but sadly not the article itself – the originators of ‘Until death or zombies do us part’, Kellie … Continue Reading
Monthly Archives
July 2019
Sharon and James’s Humanist Wedding at Edinburgh Castle
Even the photographer said, “James and Sharon’s wedding was a wonderful, heart warming, intimate celebration of love.”
Victoria and David’s Humanist Wedding at Carlowrie Castle
Honestly, it was worth every moment of effort to get the ceremony we did.
Every single person has said to us what an amazing ceremony it was, and many said it was the best they’d ever been to which is exactly what we’d hoped for, so thank you!
Lola & Sean’s Humanist Wedding at Norton House Hotel
our ceremony made even the strongest of men shed a few tears
A Greener Way to Go
I was delighted to see this article in today’s Guardian, not least because it prompted me to visit my archives, where I found this piece I wrote about resomation for Humanitie Magazine in 2010. When a body is buried in shallow soil, one of the principal biochemical aspects of natural decomposition is alkaline hydrolysis carried … Continue Reading