I said in my last post that I was about to conduct a wedding on a beach – well this is it! Sometimes you get lucky with the weather in Scotland, and John and Wendy certainly did. Most of their friends had come up from England, and they’d never been to a Humanist wedding before. … Continue Reading
Monthly Archives
August 2010
How To Save Money on Your Humanist Wedding
hardly a day goes by without someone in public life deploring the soaring cost of weddings. Canon Giles Fraser was moaning about it on Thought for The Day, with Andrew Brown lining up behind him in The Guardian. One of their complaints is that wedding ceremonies focus on the egos of the individuals, rather than … Continue Reading
Fee and Richard’s Humanist Wedding on the beach at Orocco Pier
We had such an amazing day and everyone commented on how special our ceremony was. In fact most people have said it’s the best wedding they have ever been to! I think the barometer for success is also that at least three different people asked for your details for their wedding/funeral(!)/naming ceremony!