Victoria and David’s Humanist Wedding at Carlowrie Castle

I love it when a photograph just sums up a whole day. This great shot by Sean Bell does exactly that for David and Victoria’s wedding at the stunning Carlowrie Castle


As is now ‘the new normal’, David and Victoria met online – but only just. David’s initial subscription to was coming to an end when he spotted the babe in the blue lace dress, so he had to take out another three months’ worth to see if she’d replied. For her part, Victoria had just signed up for a laugh, so when she saw the wink from ‘EdiDave’, she too had to fork out to check out this intriguing Russell Howard lookalike.

A mutual obsession with gin and food led to an espresso martini-fuelled first date at Bar Kohl. Date three took them skating where a Bambi-on-ice David had to grab an inappropriate part of Victoria to stop himself going face first onto the rink, but even before I could tell these stories, 

their friends Katie, Laura and Natalie gave us a great reading of ‘A Lovely Love Story’ by Edward Monkton.

Even the proposal revolved around food: David was keen to show Victoria the home of the award-winning Hebridean Blue Cheese but it was February and it was getting dark, so Victoria was a bit miffed that her farm tour was brought to such an abrupt end.

Romantic Calgary Bay was the destination of choice that evening, and thankfully, Victoria’s immediate reaction to David’s proposal – is this a joke? – wasn’t her last, or we’d never have made it to their big day!

I was so pleased when Victoria sent me these photos the other day, along with these words.

The whole process of the ceremony writing seemed quite daunting at first but once we got stuck into it, it actually flowed quite easily. Honestly, it was worth every moment of effort to get the ceremony we did. 

Every single person has said to us what an amazing ceremony it was, and many said it was the best they’d ever been to which is exactly what we’d hoped for, so thank you! 

I want every couple I marry to get exactly that reaction from their friends and family, so I count your wedding as ‘Job Done!’, Victoria and David.

Keep protecting each other from moths and spiders, keep conquering the world one coral reef at a time, and don’t forget what you promised – 

Love is not for sometimes
Love is for all times,
For you and for me.

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