You were so gracious, calming, comforting and smart. You really understood us; you listened to us; and we really understood you. We both remember looking at each other after Skyping with you and saying: WE FOUND THE PERFECT PERSON TO FACILITATE OUR BLESSING!
Same Sex Partnerships – Sinead’s Hand
One of the many things that’s great about the laws of Scotland is that Humanist marriage is legal, but – and it’s an important but – only between men and women. Gay people are allowed to have a Civil Partnership, but they can’t choose any other form of marriage, even though there are many in … Continue Reading
Same Sex Partnerships – Sinead’s Hand
One of the many things that’s great about the laws of Scotland is that Humanist marriage is legal, but – and it’s an important but – only between men and women. Gay people are allowed to have a Civil Partnership, but they can’t choose any other form of marriage, even though there are many in … Continue Reading
Love and Proposition 8: Keith Obermann’s moving plea
“If you voted for this proposition, I have some questions for you,” begins Keith Obermann on MSNBC and he goes on to say all that needs to be said about the right of gay people to marry in the USA: much of it applies here in the UK too. I recently interviewed former Bishop Richard … Continue Reading