We honestly cannot thank you enough for making our wedding the dream that we had always hoped for.
Rachael & Nick’s Humanist Wedding at Carrick Castle Estate
Lots of people talk about their wedding and the parts they loved the most – for us it was the ceremony.
Cheryl and Andy’s Humanist Wedding at Broxmouth Park
Almost all my recent weddings at Broxmouth Park have taken place outside, under the huge cedar of Lebanon that was planted by Queen Victoria when she popped in on a Scottish trip in 1878, and it all looked very promising when I was down there for Andy and Cheryl’s rehearsal the day before their wedding: it really was absolutely … Continue Reading
Allana and David’s Humanist Wedding at The Vu
I remember Allana and David’s ceremony well. The weather was atrocious: foggy, rainy, you name it. Everything that would put a dampener on a wedding – but not this one…
Jen and Sean’s Humanist Wedding at Colstoun House
I enjoyed the homework so much I frequently recommend it to other couples even if they’re not getting married!
Liz and Eric’s Humanist Wedding at Ardanaseig in Argyll
This was an extraordinary ceremony, in every possible way. Eric and Liz had been planning a humanist wedding for ages but only a month before their wedding, they discovered that the person who was supposed to be conducting their marriage wasn’t actually legally authorised to do so*: major panic! Luckily they got in touch, and … Continue Reading