An Early Humanist: Robert Burns

As Burns wrote to his friend Robert Muir, “These, my worthy friend, are my ideas. . . It becomes a man of sense to think for himself; particularly in a case where all men are equally interested, and where, indeed, all men are equally in the dark.” Today is the 251st anniversary of his birth; … Continue Reading

Can I Marry You?

This isn’t as dumb a question as it may at first appear. This week, I’ve been tracking the enquiries I’ve had from couples who wanted me to marry them at some point over the next 12 months, and I’ve had to apologise to two thirds because I am already fully committed on the date in … Continue Reading

What is Humanism? A Definitive Definition

This old chestnut comes up time and time again, but I haven’t seen a better set of answers than are given here by Stephen Law in the draft introduction to his new book. His seven key definitions are as follows: First, humanists are either atheists or at least agnostic. They are sceptical about the claim … Continue Reading

Freethought of the Day

Every morning, I get an email from the American Freedom From Religion Foundation, which in its own quiet way reminds me that the history of free thought is a long one. Today, it’s thrown together two names you don’t often see in the same sentence, Bjork… And Voltaire! You can find out more about the … Continue Reading