Imogen & Lewis’s Humanist Wedding at Harburn Barn

The Americans have so many more words for silly than we do – cockamamie, sappy, wacky and zany among them – but there’s something about the word ‘goofy’ that I love, and it’s one Lewis and Imogen unashamedly embrace. 

They have such an innocent charm about them, and it was encapsulated in the opening lines of the story they allowed me to tell when we were all gathered together in the Barn at Harburn.

“We think it’s safe to say that neither of us was living our best life when we met for our first date. Technically the first time we interacted was when Lewis was posing as a bunch of coriander on Tinder; Imogen came across the profile and was met with various herb-related puns. 

As the script said, “at this point, please feel free to mock us…”

And as I said when I sent it back to them, “Oh, don’t worry: I suspect your guests will do all the mocking that is required…” (although on the day of course they didn’t at all).

This is probably not that funny from an outside perspective but was the perfect first interaction thanks to our stupid sense of humour. I don’t think either of us could have predicted this silly goof getting a mention in our wedding 6 1/2 years later, but here we are.”

And as if that wasn’t enough to create a genuine Rom-Com atmosphere on its own, Imogen topped it, when the back of her dress came apart just as she reached the end of the aisle.

You can’t script things like that!

She also said, “We really appreciate all the help you gave us in planning our ceremony, and we were absolutely delighted with how it all went.

Writing the ceremony was a bit daunting, but we found your LoveWork process to be very helpful. 

We especially loved how we were able to make it our own, and really show what marriage meant to us, without feeling like we needed to follow a strict set of rules/include things just for the sake of it. 

It was also super fun to be able to write our own account of our relationship separately, then come together to see what we’d each remembered. We felt like this let our personalities come through which was exactly what we wanted. 

It was so special to include our friends Izzy and Murdo via readings, and honestly this is something we might not have considered ourselves, so thank you for suggesting it. 

So many of our guests commented on how they felt this ceremony was very “us” but also that they hadn’t been to a wedding with a ceremony quite like it, which was very nice to hear!

What we ended up with in terms of vows/promises, and the ceremony as a whole, was very special, and it was perfect. 

It really was the best day, and we wouldn’t have changed a thing (not even my dress coming apart right at the end of the aisle! Think this was the comic relief Lewis needed to make it through the ceremony!)

One of the things we really loved about having you as a celebrant was how you helped us strike the perfect balance between lighthearted/funny and sincere. We really wanted the day to reflect us, and be super relaxed, a bit silly, but also wholesome and genuine.

In all honesty we were nervous about being so vulnerable and speaking our vows in front of all our family and friends, but the way in which you helped create a relaxed atmosphere made the serious stuff more meaningful, and we are so glad we chose to write and speak our own vows in the end. 

A few people had said to me before the wedding that I would feel so flat and a bit down after it, but I haven’t felt that one bit; how could I, when we had the most perfect, wholesome and joyous day with our family and friends? I am always looking back on it and feeling so grateful that we could have such a special day.

Okay I’m done now – it was such a special day, not only because we got married, but because we got to share the day with – and celebrate – the people who mean the most to us, and the ceremony was such an important part in that.

Once again, thank you so much for being our celebrant; you made the whole process very easy, and we are so happy with how our ceremony went.”

“Super relaxed, a bit silly, but also wholesome and genuine” doesn’t just sum up the ceremony; it captures how I felt on the day too; which is in large part down to the great script that Lewis and Imogen wrote, but also to Neil Jarvie of Pocketsquare, who was a joy to work with, and who captured the atmosphere in these great images.

Thank you so much, Imogen & Lewis, not just for your kind words, but also for embracing the process and for having the courage to say what you wanted in your own way.

That’s what a humanist wedding is all about and I am sure your story – and your ceremony – will inspire many other couples in the months and years to come.

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