Joy – that’s what you can see in these great photos by Natalie Martin, and that’s what everyone felt at Debbie and Gary’s wedding!
As I told the guests, “Gary & Debbie believe that a wedding is about bringing all your closest friends and family together to celebrate the most important thing in life – love – so well done! You made the cut!”
Their story was short, sweet and very funny. They swiped right in 2018 and agreed to dinner and a movie, but then Gary went all quiet so Debbie asked what they were going to see. Gary said, “I don’t know because I’ve asked my wee brother to book it”, and then realised she must have been thinking, ‘who’s this weird guy?”
They moved in together not long after their first holiday and just before the pandemic. That was when Debbie discovered just how messy Gary is!
Although the pandemic was tough, they came through it so much stronger. Gary said, “Debbie is my rock! She makes me happy and she brings me so much joy. The support she’s given me is something I will always be grateful for!”
Of course their wedding would not have been complete without Millie, their cockapoo, who was on her best behaviour throughout.
Debbie’s friends, Ashley and Jennifer gave us readings before we played ‘He Said, She Said’. It’s a great way to make your guests feel a part of the ceremony, and it’s a great way of finding out how well they know you too. Here are just a few of the questions I asked on their behalf.
Who said I love you first?
Who is the funniest?
Who’s the best dancer?
Who takes the longest to get ready for a night out?
Who’s the best cook?
Who has the last word in an argument?
Who is best at keeping secrets?
I just grinned from ear to ear when I saw Natalie’s photos – they brought the day back to mind so well!
When she got in touch after the wedding, Debbie said, “One week gone already!! Take me back!”
But seriously, thank you so so much!! It was perfect and everyone enjoyed it!!”
And as for the tree planting. Thank you! That is very fitting given my dad worked for forestry commission for 38 years!”
I obviously missed a great party! Shades of Sax was giein’ it laldie!
Thanks again for asking me to be your celebrant, Debbie and Gary – it was a pleasure and I hope you keep those smiles on your faces for the rest of your lives!
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