Melissa and Paul’s Humanist Wedding at Melville Castle

Paul and Melissa’s wedding was full of love and laughter, which makes this ‘pre-wedding’ shot of Melissa and her dad all the more poignant: Rose and Alastair Burns Murdoch really do know how to capture those all-important moments!

Melissa and Paul put a lot of thought into their ceremony, and it really paid off, as they told me when they sent me these lovely photos.

“Prior to the Wedding so many people advised us to take a step back and take it all in on the day because it goes by in a flash and we honestly can’t believe how true that was. We wish we could do it all over again.

Thinking back over everything now, all of the planning and hard work that we put into achieving our dream wedding was so worth it

It went without a hitch and everyone had the most amazing day ever, which you’ll agree is abundantly clear from our photos and video; we all spent most of the day laughing!

We are absolutely loving married life, we are still getting used to calling each other Husband and Wife. When I got my driver’s licence back with my married name it was the nicest feeling, somehow making it feel ‘real’.

We had the best Honeymoon(s). Paris was a dream come true and sipping champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower truly made us feel like we were on top of the world!! Our time in the North of Scotland was so relaxing and brought us back down to Earth after all of the excitement!! 

Every single one of our guests commented on how much they loved our ceremony, how personal and emotional it was – there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!! Everyone agreed that you were fabulous!  

The words, poems and moments in our ceremony and the vows we made to each other were so special to us and we will reflect on them time and time again throughout our married life. Thank you for helping us bring our thoughts and ideas to life.

I have to say we will never be able to thank you enough for your advice and guidance throughout the whole process! It’s not every day you get married, therefore we really didn’t know where to start. 

You gave us all of the tools we needed and the freedom to design a ceremony that was in keeping with ‘us’ as a couple, which was simply invaluable. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your words of encouragement and wisdom and also your true professionalism from our very first meeting. 

Much love,

Mr and Mrs Mitchell” 

Thank you so much, Melissa and Paul – letters like this mean the world to me, and I’m just so pleased to have helped you create the ceremony of your dreams: never forget your promises, and don’t lose touch! Much love from me to you and of course to Rose and Alastair Burns Murdoch for these great shots!

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