Laura and Anthony’s Humanist Wedding at The Principal Edinburgh

What’s in a name? Well, as Laura wrote, when she sent me these great photos by Gee from Geez Photography,I think we both gain a sense of pride in being able to refer to each other as “husband” and “wife” rather than that rather awkward “partner” title we used before – I personally always hated that!! 

Things definitely feel much more secure and complete, which is what we were hoping for.

I really loved how Anthony and Laura involved their family and friends in the ceremony!

when it came to the time to talk about what marriage means to them, they asked no fewer than twelve of the guests to read out quotations, hidden until then in twelve envelopes.

And the kids got a look in too: as they said,We are so proud to have Ava, Jude, Jules and Luca here with us today and would like to take a moment to acknowledge the role that they play in this family and how important they are.’ and then they read them one of their favourite stories!

We loved doing the Dr Seuss reading for the kids and we gave them each a copy of the book afterwards as a little memento of the day. I was proud we managed to get through it all without falling apart like a pair of emotional wrecks!!

Thank you again for helping us put together the ceremony and for officiating over it. It really was just the most special moment of the day and the hard work writing everything up was so worth it. Everyone commented on how personal, unique and intimate it was. 

For us, the next task at hand is conquering Christmas with all 4 kids in tow. No mean feat as I’m sure you can imagine! I hope you have a wonderful break with your own family, and do let us know if you decide to write a blog based on our day – we’d love to see it!

Your wish is my command, Laura, and I wish you, Anthony and all the kids a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!

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