I knew that marrying a dashing young racing driver to a beautiful equestrienne would be fun.
What I didn’t expect was that Hannah’s handsome horse Rowan would also be a part of the proceedings. Mind you, they did say in the ceremony, “love me, love my horse”, so I shouldn’t really have been surprised. Like the couple, Rowan is stubborn, headstrong and good looking.
Rory and Hannah’s story began at the tender age of fifteen, with a first date to see Scooby Doo at the cinema. Despite that, romance blossomed, and a formal proposal was made in the mud of the hay pen (Rowan may have wondered what Rory was doing down on his knee at that point…)
Their ceremony at the elegant Broxmouth Park was light-hearted, and full of joy. I was delighted when this card arrived the other day
Only a few days later, confirmation of that arrived from an unexpected quarter. Loraine Ross was the photographer that day, and she dropped me a line to say,
“Thank you for the incredible humanist ceremonies that you have taken where I have been the photographer. Such emotive and personal ceremonies and they stood out from all the others I have been part of”.
Her own blog about the wedding is here:
I think her photos are lovely and really do capture the atmosphere.
So my thanks to Loraine for the photos, but most of all to Hannah and Rory (and of course Rowan!) for letting me be part of their happiest day.
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