Alex and Sandra’s Humanist Wedding at The Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh

I don’t know why the gorgeous Sandra apologised for the delay in sending me these photos from her wedding – it was less than a fortnight ago, and we were very lucky because the John Muir Grove at the Botanics was bathed in that amazing golden light that you only get on an autumn afternoon.

Sandra & Alex first met at the Cop Shop back in ’97.  Romance blossomed, the relationship grew and as Alex describes it, “the holidays got more expensive”. They created a very funny ceremony, that also had its moving moments. I hope they’ll send me some more photos when the official ones turn up, but in the meantime these are lovely, and I am sure you’ll agree that the new Mr and Mrs Tulloch look extremely happy together!

Sandra sent me this note along with the pics. “I have noticed previously on your website many of the couples you have married say that their guests comment on how they enjoyed the ceremony and really like the fact that it is so personal and that’s exactly what our guests said.  Not many had been to a humanist ceremony before and all were very impressed. 
The ceremony had just the right amount of humour and seriousness for the occasion and although we wrote it, you helped us achieve that. 

The guests were also very complimentary about your sense of humour putting everyone at ease and your professionalism. If it wasn’t for the fact that nearly all of our guests were already married I think you would have found yourself very busy over the next year or so!”

Tell them to do a Renewal of Vows ceremony, Sandra – have a look at this post to see what that’s all about, and thanks again for your kind words and these great photos!


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