Your reassurance and friendliness put our minds at ease, ensuring a smooth and magical transition to married life!
The Importance of Being Earnest
My old friend Giles just stumbled across his Marriage Certificate while tidying up some old paperwork. We met when we were both working in advertising and I’m pretty sure that when he and Nicki got married back in 2003, he was a Group Account Director at the hip Leith Agency. The one thing I am 100% sure he wasn’t was … Continue Reading
Why can’t I use my own pen?
The Marriage Schedule is a permanent record, so it must be signed using permanent black liquid ink.
Humanist Weddings in Scotland – More Popular than Ever!
It made me laugh when I saw my photo with this headline, but I really don’t think it’s all down to me! Yes it’s a big story, but there’s another one in among the statistics published by the National Register of Scotland: the continuing rise and rise of humanist marriage. While ceremonies conducted by Humanist Society Scotland … Continue Reading
Speaking from the Heart
What language does your heart speak? More and more I find it’s not English. But that’s not a problem. One of the good things about getting married in Scotland is that the ceremony can be conducted in any language, as long as all parties (including the celebrant) understand what’s being said. You can … Continue Reading
It’s Officlal – or is it? Humanist Weddings More Popular than Church of Scotland in 2015
For some time now, the media has predicted that 2015 would be the year that humanist weddings became more popular than religious weddings. The Registrar General of Scotland recently published their annual statistics, which show that to be the case. Today’s edition of Christian Today says “Humanist weddings outstrip Church of Scotland weddings for the … Continue Reading
Rushing off on honeymoon?
A couple of ideas for you. If you’re heading off somewhere exotic the day after your wedding, you probably won’t be able to return the signed copy of the Marriage Schedule to the Registrar’s office. What you can do though, is ask someone at your wedding venue to photocopy the signed schedule for you to … Continue Reading
Honeymoons & Marriage Certificates
“We’re going on honeymoon a few days after the ceremony and the airline/hotel has told us that if we bring a copy of our Marriage Certificate, they’ll upgrade us to First Class/The Presidential Suite. Can you give us a copy?” This is a question I’ve been asked a few times, and unfortunately the answer is … Continue Reading
Honeymoons & Marriage Certificates
“We’re going on honeymoon a few days after the ceremony and the airline/hotel has told us that if we bring a copy of our Marriage Certificate, they’ll upgrade us to First Class/The Presidential Suite. Can you give us a copy?” This is a question I’ve been asked a few times, and unfortunately the answer is … Continue Reading
Step by Step Guide to a Humanist Wedding no 6 – Registrars and Paperwork
A humanist wedding conducted by a celebrant authorised by the Registrar General of Scotland is legal everywhere in the world.