Choose elements from the ceremony and print them onto cards. Put them into envelopes, seal and number them, and then hide them at random under the seats.

Choose elements from the ceremony and print them onto cards. Put them into envelopes, seal and number them, and then hide them at random under the seats.
Secret weddings are hard to organise! I first met Sarah and Richard in June and they told me that they wanted their ceremony to be the surprise element of their housewarming party, so it was crucial that word didn’t get out. My lips were sealed… The new home came with Richard’s new job: they were … Continue Reading
I really love it when people tell me they love my book, WE DO! This photo was sent to me by Sarah, whose wedding I conducted last week: I think you can see she thought it had lots of useful ideas, so I can’t wait to give my first ever public talk about it. The idea was the … Continue Reading
Now I understand why you do things the way you do – our wedding was so personal to us and that’s how it should be. We put in our hard work, and it definitely paid off!
I was very touched to get a thank you message from Kenny and Rhian the other day, illustrated by these very atmospheric photos by the talented Claire Juliet Paton. They chose to get married on the first day of the Six Nations, when Wales and Scotland met in Cardiff, so that required very careful planning. … Continue Reading
Fraser and Sarah got married at The Balmoral Hotel last November. They thought it would be a good way to end a long week at work by sitting down together and having a chat about their ceremony and how they feel now. I am delighted they want me to share their thoughts with you, so … Continue Reading