I knew from the start that Ali and Ste would do things their own way, and not just because they’re from Yorkshire… This was how they kicked off the marriage ceremony. Entrance: Ali, Ste and Tim to lead everyone into the room then hang around at the front while everyone gets seated. We want to stand … Continue Reading
Jo & Gregg’s Humanist Wedding at Wedderburn Castle
The opening line of a novel is critical. The same is true of a wedding ceremony, and this one is hard to beat. Jo’s mum gave her two warnings when she left the UK almost 5 years ago for her working holiday: One: ‘If you get a tattoo, I will disown you.’ Two: ‘Just you … Continue Reading
Ross & Clare’s Humanist Wedding at Barony Castle
Some couples are really well organised. I just got an email from Clare, sent from the airport in Osaka where she and Ross are just about to board the plane for the second leg of their honeymoon in Dubai, inviting me to check out their wedding photos online: their photographer is the very popular Glasgow … Continue Reading
Vicky & Andy’s Humanist Wedding at Melrose Abbey
What’s your definition of a romantic location? At one point I might have gone for the obvious one – palm trees swaying over a deserted tropical beach, but from now on, it’s the roofless ruin of Melrose Abbey, in the white light of a freezing cold Saturday afternoon in February. Only a true romantic would … Continue Reading