Carrie and Ross’s Humanist wedding at The Swanston Brasserie

Don’t let a spot of rain spoil your wedding. Carrie and Ross got married on one of those July days that feel like November: it was absolutely chucking it down as Carrie and her bridesmaids arrived at Swanston, but we didn’t let it dampen our spirits one bit!

Carrie had three gorgeous bridesmaids, Alison, Emma and Angela, and Ross had a matching set of groomsmen: Ryan, Greg and Ross Two! This was almost a story of playground sweethearts. Ross had the Kangol jacket, Carrie had the blue mascara, but they didn’t click until they met up at a friend’s 18th birthday when they exchanged a quick kiss and their phone numbers.

Carrie was soon forced to admit that she ‘quite liked’ Ross, even though his car was a Corsa…

They had a long engagement by today’s standards: seven years went by, during which they moved house far too often, got two crazy labradors and realised that they’d grown so close that they often finished each others… sandwiches.

Before they exchanged their own very personal vows, I asked the guests to make a ‘group vow’ – a promise to Ross and Carrie that they would support them in their marriage. The guests also promised to tell them that they’re being eejits if they ever forget their promises and start to moan about each other!

In another original twist, they asked several of their friends to ask them questions to which they could reply, ‘I do’.

Among other things, Ross promised to stop making up his own lyrics to songs, as he’d done to Adele’s ‘Chasing Penguins’… I can’t hear that song now without thinking of it

Then and only then did they speak their vows, exchange rings, and make their legal declaration.

By that point, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!

Alison and Ryan joined us as we signed The Marriage Schedule

And then all the guests joined me in an old Celtic Blessing before they went on their way.

Carrie and Ross sent me a lovely email along with these photographs by Joanna of Orange Lemur
Thanks again for marrying us – you really did help to make the day feel special.   Loads of our guests had commented they had not been to a humanist wedding before and really enjoyed it and thought you were brilliant – so hopefully you get asked to do a few weddings as a result!  
Your ideas on what to include in the ceremony definitely made it feel so personal and special – a lot of guests really liked learning about our story and it seemed to get a good few laughs (luckily!) Also the idea of our friends asking us questions was brilliant – the guests liked this as they had never seen anything like that before.
You really helped to settle me and Ross’ nerves on the big day.  I was so glad to see you when I arrived that soggy evening at Swanston!  Also Ross was really impressed with how you kept him calm and took control on the day.  Guests also commented on how they liked being able to see us during the ceremony and we also liked being able to see our own family and friends during it, rather than having our backs to them.  Your joke before the ceremony went down well and apparently had so many guests fooled into looking under their chairs!  
It is clear you love your job and you are brilliant at what you do!  We won’t think twice about recommending your services. Thanks again! Lots of love,
Carrie & Ross Finn x
Mr and Mrs. Finn, it was an absolute joy! Thank you for sharing your story and these photos with us, and Carrie don’t forget that sometimes you have let Ross think he can go faster than you on his bike!

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